Global Project Goals

  • Increasing the information technology competences in the society due to the sustainable implementation of the e learning techniques in the learning process
  • Introduction of quality management in e-learning at the Central Asian universities

Specific project objectives:

  1. Development and introduction of each national quality norms, regulations, and standards of e-learning

    • Defination of e-learning
    • Technic
    • Methodology/didactic
    • Organization & administration
    • Quality assurance
  2. Establishing e-learning centres at each pilot university

    • IT-Centre -> e-learning centre(ELC)!
    • Function of ELC: one-stops all around e-learning
    • ELC staff:
      • competence in technical, methodical-didactical, roganizational, administrative and quality assurance issues
      • Mediators between teachers and students
  3. Development and pilot realization of e-learning based study concepts

    • Selection of 3 curricula at each partner university and their adaptation to an appropriate e-learning-scenario
    • Creation of appropriate digital teaching matherials
    • Realization and quality assurance of e-learning teaching subjects
  4. Dissemination of lessons learned and best practices in e-learning at each national level

    • Creation of e-learning manuals
    • Base: each own experiences by introduction of pilot e-learning lessons
    • Goal: more universities should be informed about e-learning as well as engaged to implement it
    • Dissemination ways: print, web, conferences, seminars